David Bowman '16 Receives National Merit Scholarship

David Bowman

David Bowman ’16

David Bowman, a member of the Brother Martin Class of 2016, was one out of 17 New Orleans area high school seniors awarded a $2,500 scholarship from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). The 17 seniors were chosen from a pool of 15,000 finalists based on their academic records, test scores, achievements, and their leadership roles in the community. Earlier, David was recognized as a Semifinalist for his performance on the October 2014 PSAT prior to being selected as a National Merit Finalist. His recognition allowed him to apply for a NMSC scholarship in October of 2016. Currently, David is a member of the Chess Club, Excalibur National Honor Society for Excellence in Science, National Honor Society, Bibliomaniacs, Mu Alpha Theta, and National Honor Society. He is also an academic letterman. He will be attending the University of Chicago in the fall.

In addition, fellow National Merit Finalists include Patrick Bouchon ’16 (Notre Dame), Andrew Heller ’16 (University of Alabama), and Antonio Suarez ’16 (Florida State University). These Crusaders were awarded scholarships from their respective universities that they will be attending in the fall.

Congratulations to these Crusaders for their dedication to their studies and striving to be leaders on campus.

The NMSC, a not-for-profit corporation that operates without government assistance, was founded in 1955 specifically to conduct the National Merit Scholarship Program. The majority of scholarships offered each year are underwritten by approximately 440 independent corporate and college sponsors that share NMSC’s goals of honoring scholastically talented youth and encouraging academic excellence at all levels of education.

 Please click here for full article on NOLA.com

Patrick Bouchon

Patrick Bouchon ’16


Andrew Heller  ’16

Antonio Suarez

Antonio Suarez ’16