On this date, January 22, in 1973, nine Supreme Court Justices ruled the Supreme Court case of Roe vs. Wade, the landmark case that paved the path to legalizing abortion in the United States. Since then over 50 million abortions have been performed which means over 50 million dead unborn children. Since 1973, our country stands divided between two positions: pro-life and pro-choice. Both sides have seen a dramatic change since that ruling. In fact, the late Norma McCorvey, known as Jane Roe in Roe vs. Wade, shifted her view from being completely pro- abortion to being completely pro-life. This was not the only change in the movement.
In 2010 a sophomore religion teacher at Brother Martin High school selected a student in his class to represent Jane Roe in a mock trial of Roe vs, Wade. This student had such a convincing argument in that mock trial that other students in his class kept asking him if he sincerely believed that abortion should be legal. In that moment. The Brother Martin student thought to himself, if I could be that convincing in the pro-choice argument imagine what I could be in the pro-life argument. After that day he vowed never to stay silent, never to be passive, and to fight always for life — all because he had that opportunity to walk in someone else’s shoes.
This past weekend, members of the Brother Martin community walked alongside hundreds of thousands of other people in the 45th annual March for Life in Washington D. C. Today, that student from 2010 remembers clearly that he marched not just for the unborn, but for all those mothers who have found themselves pregnant as well as for those individuals who have offered care for her. He marches not just for healing for those women who choose abortion, but for healing for those individuals who are abortion providers.
What would be your reason for marching?
We pray in thanksgiving for those who weathered the cold over the weekend as they marched in Washington D.C. to be a voice for the voiceless. We pray that women and couples who are considering abortion realize that they are not alone, and that with God, anything is possible. We pray for abortionists and for those in that industry that they experience a metanoia, or a change of heart, and that one day they may recognize the dignity of all life. We pray for those who help women in crisis pregnancies, that they are welcoming and caring. We pray for our elected officials that they pass laws that reveal a respect for life. Lastly, we pray for ourselves, that in times of adversity, we may find the courage like David to face the giant and defeat it.
We pray in Jesus’ name and through the intercession of Mary, Amen.
Ametur Cor Jesu . . . Loved be the Heart of Jesus.