Crusaders Unite for Grade Level Masses

IMG_0286Brother Martin 8th- 11th grade students gathered together during the week for the annual grade-level Masses in the James B. Branton Chapel celebrating the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year. The Masses were celebrated by Chaplain Bro. Louis Couvillon, S.C, with the assistance of Director of Campus Ministry Mr. Tom Baier and Associate Campus Minister Mr. Dean Songy. Bro. Louis began by welcoming the students into our family and took a moment to reflect upon the upcoming year and their special intentions. During the reflection, students listened to a song called Beginning Today by The Dameans which expresses noting that this is the beginning of the school year and we ask the Holy Spirit to Bless each one of our students and our entire school Faith Community  in our journey of prayer, supportive relationships and service to others.