Crusader Summer Camp 2023 Information

We are pleased to announce that our 2023 Crusader Summer Camp registration will be available soon!
Be sure to "save the dates" using the information below. We can't wait to welcome our Crusader Campers this Summer!
  • We will be adding an Outdoor Wilderness selection this year led by Eagle Scouts
  • We will have two weeks of STEM offerings
  • We will continue our Band, Art, and Theater offerings
  • We will continue to have all of the traditional sports offerings
  • Early registration should open online (and in person) around Mardi Gras
  • Late registration begins in May
  • Week 1: May 29 - June 2nd
  • Week 2: June 5th - June 9th
  • Week 3: June 12th - June 16th
  • Week 4: June 19th - June 23rd
  • Week 5: June 26th - June 30th
  • Week 6: July 3rd - July 7th (closed July 4th)
  • Weekly camp fee is $150/week or $800 for all 6 weeks.
  • The registration fee is $25. This will increase to $50 around the beginning of May.
  • Lunch cost $6.00/day or $30/week
  • Aftercare $5.00/day or $25/week
  • Before care will still be free and open at 7:30 AM

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