Last Friday, September 16, 2016, the 8th graders went to St. Stanislaus College in Bay St. Louis for a day of reflection. On the bus ride, I was very curious about what was planned for us and what it would mean to me. Upon arrival, we went to the Church, where Coach Robbie Dauterive spoke about his life and passion for coaching and wrestling. I relate to his message of how finding what you are passionate about will help you find your way in life. My passion is playing soccer, and I set goals to be a better player.
My first station of the day was to go to the pier in order to reflect and pray. Walking towards the pier, the shimmering water came into view. As I stood praying with the sun on my face, a feeling of peacefulness washed over me. I realized that God is everywhere. He is in the beauty of nature. He is in the birds swooping down into the ocean for their food and in the big beautiful sky. My second station was to go the gym and play games that strengthened our teamwork. Then, we had to draw the Brother Martin crest. As I reflected on these recent activities, I realized that they were teaching us that we can rely on our fellow classmates for support. When we come together, we can accomplish so much more. I felt more connected to my group after realizing we are here for each other. The next station was to go to the cemetery where all the Brothers are buried. The retreat leaders informed us of what the Brothers did for Brother Martin High School. As I listened to each of their stories, I realized the sacrifices the Brothers had made in order to make the school what it is today. I appreciate those Brothers who have come before me. At the fourth station, teachers told us about their experiences at Brother Martin, and how they still have long lasting friendships with each other.
Then, they told us to sit next to two people we have never met before. As I was reflecting on what they had said, I found that I wanted the same experience for myself. Brother Martin is not just about learning and getting the best education, but it is also about developing long lasting friendships which enrich our experience. The last thing scheduled for the retreat was Mass at Our Lady of the Gulf church During Mass, the Father Paul Hart (Class of 1970) told us the story of the time he accidentally ran someone over, which resulted in the death of that person. What I learned from his story was how important it is not only to forgive others, but also to forgive yourself. Without accepting forgiveness from the victim’s family, from God, and from himself, Father Paul Hart would have been unable to move on and live a productive life. This reflection day was both a memorable and meaningful experience.