The Class of 2019 received their senior rings on Thursday, August 23rd, at St. Joseph Catholic Church in New Orleans. This liturgy celebrates the kick-off to our Crusaders’ senior year and represents the rich tradition of Brother Martin High School.
After a homily by Mass Officiant, Fr. Paul Hart ‘70, Brother Martin Chaplain, and a shared reflection by school Principal Ryan Gallagher ‘00, each senior came forward to receive his class ring from Mr. Gallagher.
“Seniors, as you begin your senior year, as you begin to ‘make a life’ like Fr. Coindre; be moved to action by the Holy Spirit. Like Brother Athanasius, open the letter and serve. You will be those next who decide to act, who help to evangelize the world. That is the call to action embedded in the ring you receive tonight.” Gallagher continued, “The ring is an outward sign of our trust in you, a trust that originates with God. The same trust Coindre had; the same that those first Brothers of the Sacred Heart had. It begins with men like you who have resolve, and courage and confidence. It begins, above all, with trust.”
The Senior Ring Mass is a reminder to our the students that they are ‘part of the rich tradition that has been passed on by the many men who have ventured forth from the halls of St. Aloysius, Cor Jesu and Brother Martin High schools.’
The ring itself symbolizes the school’s history which is rich in the community’s cultural heritage. It connects past and future and is a reminder of the steadfast presence of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in New Orleans. The symbols on the ring include:
“Let the ring you receive tonight serve as a constant reminder not simply of a legacy, or tradition, or accomplishment. Most importantly, let it serve as a reminder of a trust in God that calls us to serve, to act, to answer the call,” concluded Gallagher.
On Friday, the seniors head off to ‘Senior Celebration Day’, a time to have fun and bond as classmates. Continuing the celebration, the seniors and their dates will attend the Ring Dance on Saturday evening, August 25th, in the Tom & Gayle Benson Mall.
Commentator: Keelan Didier and Tyler Marks
Cross Bearer: Bailey Stretzinger
Candle Bearers: Robert Vale and Dylan Zimmer
Shield and Crest Bearers: Mack Brown and Hunter Appleton
Acolytes: Elliot Martinez and Beau Ranlett
Readers: (1st) Nick Gendron, (2nd) Elliot Canty, (Petitions) Hunter Kael
Ring Bearers:
Presentation of the Gifts:
Eucharistic Ministers: