On Wednesday, the following students participated in the LMEA Vocal Solo & Ensemble festival and received a rating of Superior on their solo performances: Joseph Arrigo, Justin Blanchard, Kevin Elfert, and David Miranda.
Seniors Justin Blanchard and David Miranda received a Superior rating for their duet performance of Bach’s “Der Herr Segne Euch”. Joseph Arrigo, Justin Blanchard, Aaron Didier, Kevin Elfert, Alex Lucas, David Miranda, Ethan Olsen, and Jason Stant earned a Superior rating for their performance of Joseph M. Martin’s “The Awakening”.
The following students received a rating of Excellent on their solo performances: Trey Andrews, Brent Clement, Adam Laliberte, and Alex Lucas.
Trey Andrews, Brent Clement, Aaron Didier, and Antonio Domino, accompanied by Justin Blanchard at the piano, earned an Excellent rating for their performance of “Hand Me Down My Silver Trumpet” by Rae Moses.
Congratulations to all!