On the early morning of September 11, 2019, a group of students led by the NJROTC Commanding Officer Cadet Eric Gegenheimer '20, planted 300 flags in the shape of the Twin Towers to commemorate the almost 3,000 people killed in the attacks from 2001. Cadet Gegenheimer led the school in prayer and a moment of silence at 8:03 am, the exact time in 2001 that the second plane hit the World Trade Center. "We want to keep the memory of that day alive as we pray for peace in the future," said Cadet Gegenheimer.
The student leaders of NJROTC proposed the memorial to the school. Almost all of the students here today were not alive on that day in 2001. "This is a way for us to honor those that were lost that day and to show our gratitude for all those first responders and the military that have worked to keep us all safe," said Cadet Bryce Pellegrin '20. "It was an important day in our history that affected a lot of lives. It is our duty to remember them."