Be 'Prepared'
Mr. Ryan Gallagher ‘00, Principal, shared some thoughts at Wednesday night’s Parents Club Meeting regarding Advent as a time to ‘prepare’. We ‘prepare’ ourselves as adults, and we continue to ‘prepare’ our students both spiritually and secularly. Throughout the course of the school year, activities and routines are put into place to continue to ‘prepare’ our students for what is to come…a holistic approach to their formation, including:
- Safety preparations – Safe Environment training for students, faculty/staff, and parent volunteers, monthly evacuation drills, semi-annual security drills, participation in the Sudden Impact program for sophomores, juniors, and seniors, as well as a series of Informational Sessions for parents, like the one presented this evening regarding Drug Awareness, and helpful information for parents in today’s world.
- Spiritual preparations – Daily prayer services in the Branton Chapel, weekly Thursday morning Mass in the Branton Chapel, Reconciliation and Adoration through religion classes, the Great Read – which this school year focused on sacrifice, heroism, and ‘answering the call’, giving to Hurricane Relief and the Children’s Hospital Toy Drive, as well as monthly school wide liturgies, including the Mass, this Friday, for the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
As this Advent season continues, may we all be ‘prepared’.