Alumni & Dads Attend Day of Reflection

IMG_2483_coverOn Saturday, April 7, on Brother Martin’s campus, alumni and current dads joined together in prayer for a Day of Reflection and Mass. The day’s activities consisted of a guest speaker, prayer, reflection, adoration, rosary, Stations of the Cross with Reconciliation, and a Mass in the James B. Branton Chapel led by Fr. David Ducote ’04. This event is a wonderful opportunity for the Brother Martin alumni and dad community to celebrate their faith and devotion to the Lord with one another.

This year, the guest speaker was Brother Mark Hilton, S.C., who serves as the Provincial of the United States Province of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. His theme of the day was “Become my Disciples” and spoke about the journey of Fr. Andre Coindre who began his work with schools over 200 years ago, and his legacy that still continues today. He also emphasized that Disciples do not just “watch and wonder,” but they learn to take action which is ongoing and never ends. After Mass, all participants enjoyed lunch in the Bro. Mark Thornton Terrace and took time for a group photo.

Thank you to the Day of Reflection committee members: Randy Oddo ’62 SA Chairman, Judge Bob Burns ’62 SA, John Hodges ’62, SA Bob Martin ’61 SA, Tony Melito ’76, Louis Savoye ’61 SA, Wayne Wellmeier ’86 and Scott Corrente ’83.

For further information about this event, please contact the Office of Alumni & Development at 504-284-6700 or