2013 Football Convocation

Football Convocation - 2012 025The Athletic Department hosted a convocation in the Tom and Gayle Benson Mall honoring the football program on Wednesday, February 20th. Head Coaches Bonis, Robinson, Lupo and Camp recognized their respective teams and their accomplishments. Those receiving special recognition at the varsity level were:

Medical Support Senior Award – Lester Duhe, Preston Bivona and Matthew Wisniewski
Scout Team Defense – Tyler Rebert
TEAM Award – Will Douglass and Ryan Schouest
TOUGH Award – Brandt Becnel, Joshua Moore and Jeremy Vathy
COMPETE Award – Michael Wrubleski
Andy Douglass Award (Highest Scholastic Average) – Pierce Ippolito
Robert M. Conlin Memorial Award – Ryan Hoefeld, Jacob Seward and Jabbar Singleton

Thanks to the parents and players for a great season!

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